Mar 4, 2008


I am currently trying to add blog's of students from the Spanish Fork High School graduating Class of 2000. I was not aware of the small 5 year reunion that took place and have began wondering what fellow students are up to almost 8 years after gradution.

If you have contact information or blog links for students of our graduating class, please post the link in the comments section and I will add it to the list. If your link is listed and you prefer that it be removed, then please post that to me as well.

Hope this will be a fun way to see where our path's have taken us!


julie! said...

Who started this blog?

BJ said...
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Leilini W. Kinikini said...
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Amie said...

That's funny, I wasn't aware of the 5 year reunion until the day of. Thanks Jennie for setting this up!

SFHS Class of 2000 said...

just thought it would be fun. Just thought it would be a good reference point.

I am sure they contacted my mom or something and couldn't get a hold of her. But I know a lot of people who didn't know about it, thought this site might make contact a little easier for the 10 year!

julie! said...

Hey Jennie-
I havent seen Syd in almost a year. We live out of state and her husband is in the military. I will let you know if I contact her.

Dan & Ashley said...

Hey this is Ashley (Roach) Miller and Dan Miller. I'd love to have a link to our blog on the side. Check us out at

Ryan said...

Hey this is Ryan Warner. This is a great idea. Go ahead and hook me up. My blog address is

Maddy said...

Hey this is Bryce Egbert. Our blog is

Anonymous said...

Here are a couple old friends I have run into.

Brad said...

My name should be spelled with a y: Hyatt. Thanks to whoever set this up.

Steph said...

Look at us-- all grown up! It's fun to see what ya'll are up to. My blog is, if you want to check it out.


Stephanie (Weight) Hadfield

ale said...

I have another for you... Meredith Oldham. Hers is:
Ale Labrum(Nunez)

Anonymous said...

Here is another one:
TJ Bliss

Ulrich's said...

Hi, This is Jessica Lewis. This is a great blog! Please add me
I know, it's really long:)

Fords said...

Thank you for making this blog, it is fun to see all everyone from highschool and how much life has changed. Add me:

Elise (Davies) Ford

Team Hancock said...

Ms. Jennie Boothe--How are you? You are so ambitious. This is a fantastic idea. I got your adorable announcement of Jeric, you are such a great mom and friend. Please add me to the list.

Sydnee Adams-Hancock

S.K. said...

hey, it's Sheri Carter now is my blog address... Thanks for starting this, it is awesome!

Anonymous said...

It is really nice to see what we've all been up to. Thanks for putting this together. come visit us at Bare with me,I'm very new at this.

Kristen said...

Hi everyone!

Add me as well. My blog address is

I had no idea there was a five year reunion, but would like to keep in touch.

Kristen (Carter) Larson

Jay and Ang said...

Hey this is Angie (Antoccia) Bown- our blog is

I think this is a great idea. Oh ya...and the 5 year thingy really sucked! :) Much love to the individuals who put it on but really come on now.

Alicia said...

This is cool. This is Alicia King. my blog is

The Boothes said...

Hi Cousin- I am so GRATEFUL to you for doing this. I've just spent the last hour visiting EVERYONE's blog who is listed here, and I've been really excited to catch up on what everyone is doing. Please include me on the list. We are at Thanks again. Sure love ya and hope to see you soon. Ross.

Anonymous said...

Jennie, my maiden name is Sarah Peterson and my husband is Jeff Curtis. We're bothe 2000 graduates of sfhs

Tara said...

Hello everyone! I swere I haven't seen anyone since graduation. I hope everything is going well for everyone. Look at all of us, we're grown up...weird! You can check out my blog at


Santa Barbara Daily Sound said...
Colby Frazier
Just checking in.

Anonymous said...

This is Camille Tuckett my blog is

Anonymous said...

Jennie I just created a blogg and would love to add it to our class site. My blog address is
-Alyssa (Garfield)

Ryan said...

Hey, this is Amanda Christensen I just started a blog so hopefully I can find some time to keep it updated :) my blog is at

Melissa said...

This is Melissa (Wilson) Arakaki. My personal blog is This is such a great idea!


Abb!e said...

What a trip! I would like to be a part of this. This is me
Oh, this is Abbie Tero.
(Abbie Morris)

Abb!e said...

Just to let you all blog page, as of right now, is a work in progress. I will get more on there as soon as I can. ;)

Ashley Garbe Smith said...


This is Ashley (Garbe) Smith. My blog address is

Thanks Jennie!

Heather said...

This was a great idea! Here is the link to my (Heather Ogden Cook) blog

B & A said...

Hey Jennie! THis is so great. My blog is
Thanks so much! Hope you are well.

Alisha said...

This is a fun idea. Here is my blog address.

Alisha (Houghton) Oxley