Apr 18, 2008


Just wanted to inform you all that we have gone from a "class" of 3 to 82!!! This is just insane! Thanks for everyone's help out there!

Keep 'em Comin'

I have added Connie Marvin and Stacie Elmer.

ATTENTION to facebookers and myspacers- if you want a link with this site, you just need to post your links for me and I will add them. I have done a few myspacers, but facebook links don't seem to be working. So, if all else fails, set up a blog and we will get you added if your other links won't work.

Please remember to post with your maiden names girls, it takes me a while to find maiden names in the 'ole yearbook. :)

thank you again, and facebookers and myspacers, spread the word to fellow students who you are in contact with or find.

Apr 11, 2008

Updated Names

I finally fixed Abbie Morris' link. So, it should work. I have also added Ashley Garbe.

Just to inform people, I will not be able to update anything or post for a few days, maybe a week. As you know my computer has been acting weird, so we are having to back everything up, strip the computer down to nothing and then re-install everything again. So, please be paitent. Keep posting new links etc and I will get to them as soon as my computer is back up and running.

Apr 7, 2008

New Members to Blog

Thank you "anonymous" commenter for suggesting this idea. I will try to, each time I add a new name, make a new post notifying you of who new has been added. Then you don't have to scroll through the entire list each time. Thanks again for the suggestion and for frequenting this blog.

Names added 4/6/08
Wilkinson, Curtis
White, Kira
Brinkerhof, Corinne

Also, facebookers and my spacers, please continue searching and contacting others from our class as I am unable to with my computer right now. Still can't figure why it shuts completely off after going to these site. Anyway, a big THANK YOU to angie and sheri for their help so far and to any others helping along the way. We have gone from 3 names to 63!!! Incredible! Let's keep this thing going!